Individuals & Partners

I’ve provided sex and relationship counselling with individuals and partners for more than a decade and have expertise on many topics. I’m kink, 2SLGBTQ+, sex work, and poly-friendly. Here are a few examples of issues that I have worked through with many of my clients.

I have done training in several modalities including

Relationship discord and communication

  • Helping partners to better understand each other’s needs and desires
  • Identifying and interrupting the cycles/ patterns of arguments and misunderstandings
  • Deepening intimacy and connection through new skills to support each other
  • Differentiation of self so that each person can hear the other’s feelings and experiences and support them without feeling worse themselves as well (emotional contagion)

Individual challenges

  • Anxiety, depression, substance use. trauma
  • Understanding and taming the inner critic, addressing shame and low self-confidence

Physical aspects of sexual expression

  • Orgasms (learning how to have them, how to make them more powerful, how to orgasm in new ways, multiple orgasms for folks of all sexes)
  • Managing erections, erectile dysfunction, rapid ejaculation
  • Libido (how to boost it and how to work with a low libido/ differences in sexual desire within a partnership)
  • Vaginismus and painful intercourse (how to help reduce the pain and how to keep sex great and pain-free)
  • Lack of sexual pleasure
  • Racing mind in anticipation of, during, and/ or after sexual connection
  • Accelerators and brakes, ie things that turn us on as well as those that inhibit our sexual arousal

Communication and emotional issues affecting sexuality

  • Creating the sex we want (uncovering latent desires, communicating preferences and feedback, negotiating sexual options)
  • Deepening intimacy (creating closeness through deep sexual connection and appreciating differences that can enhance intimacy)
  • Negotiating differences in desires and/or libido in relationships (navigating differences and creating mutually beneficial solutions)
  • Keeping the spark alive (creative sex, nurturing passion, reviving sexual relationships, enhancing sexual pleasure)

Expanding erotic knowledge

  • Tantric or spiritual sex (deepening connection through  ancient techniques adapted to each individual or couple’s personal spiritual comfort, practice and understanding)
  • Techniques for better sex: oral, hand techniques, toys, anal pleasure, kink and bondage